Exceptionless is a new error reporting service that helps you answer important questions about the software that you build.
- Do you know when and how your app is failing?
- Are my users running into issues and walking away?
- What are the top issues that I should be fixing?
- What issues are affecting the most people and would give me the highest ROI when fixed?
- Is my app getting more or less stable with each release over time?
The definition of the word exceptionless is: to be without exception. Our product provides real-time error reporting for your apps. It organizes the gathered information into simple actionable data that will help your app become exceptionless!
You can integrate Exceptionless into your application in a matter of seconds and start getting the answer to all these questions right now! It’s simply a matter of adding our library and setting your sAPI key.
Exceptionless gives you a look at your application health and allows you to take a closer look at how oftern errors occur. You can dive into a specific error stack to get detailed information about an error. You can also mark an error as fixed or hide an error completely.
We believe that all app developers should strive to be Exceptionless and that’s why we are offering a FREE plan! It’s easy to get started, so what are you waiting for??