Daily Summary Email Improvements, Foundatio Updates, and more - Weekly Update 5/1/2017

In the 5/1/17 weekly update, Blake talks email notification improvements, bug fixes, and Foundatio.Repositories and Foundatio.Parsers updates. Check out the video above or read the details below.

Updates to Exceptionless #

In the past few weeks, we have made massive improvements to the daily summary emails, and added support for json-ld. You can keep up with continued email improvements over on issue 177 on GitHub. Let us know what you think there!

We also fixed a bug with the Redis cache client improperly setting batch cached keys.

Foundatio.Repositories & Foundatio.Parsers Updates #

We updated Foundatio.Repositories so that it no longer ignores the version property.

For Foundatio.Parsers, we merged code and server mapping properties.


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