
If your events aren’t being sent to the server there are a few things that you can try to diagnose the issue.

Update Your Client #

Please make sure that you are using the latest version of the client.

Ensure the Queue has Time to Process #

If you are using Exceptionless in a scenario where an event is submitted and the process is immediately terminated, then you will need to make sure that the queue is processed before the application ends. Please note that this will happen automatically if your runtime supports it (portable profiles do not currently support this).

Events are queued to disk and sent in the background, if the application isn’t running then the events cannot be sent. You can manually force the queue to be processed by calling the following line of code before before the process ends:

await ExceptionlessClient.Default.ProcessQueueAsync();

This will cause the event queue to be processed synchronously and the events to be reported. If this doesn’t solve the issue then please enable client logging and send us the log file.

How to Locate the Default Isolated Storage Queue Folder #

By default, Exceptionless stores errors in an isolated storage folder. You can find this folder using the 1st 8 characters of your API key. So if your API key is a7aa250fce7e4e36a22a7031cf2337c8, then you would search in the C:\ProgramData\IsolatedStorage folder for a folder named a7aa250f.

Firewall / Proxy #

If you are behind a proxy or firewall, please ensure that you can connect to and

Your proxy settings should be picked up automatically by the Exceptionless client, but you can also try manually configuring the settings by adding a section to your app/web.config file.

<defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials="true">
<proxy proxyaddress="proxyAddress" usesystemdefault="true"/>
<!-- Specifying a bypass list may also be required. -->
<add address="[a-z]+\.exceptionless\.io$" />

You also have the option of specifying the proxy in code by setting the ExceptionlessClient.Configuration.Proxy property.

Enable Client Logging #

The Exceptionless client can be configured to write diagnostic messages to a log file to help diagnose any issues with the client. You can enable logging via configuration using one of the following methods:

Make sure you have write access to the file you specify for the log path.

Configuration File #

<exceptionless apiKey="YOUR_API_KEY" enableLogging="true" logPath="C:\exceptionless.log" />

Code #

using Exceptionless;

Debugging Source Code #

You can also debug the Exceptionless NuGet packages by configuring the Visual Studio source server integration. Please follow the Symbol Source documentation on configuring Visual Studio.

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