
Upgrading from Exceptionless 5.x #

We bumped the major version due to serialization changes we made under the hood.
We now only apply snake case naming strategy to known exceptionless models. Any
extra data like custom exception properties or user defined data is preserved
exactly as is. We also made changes to ensure that empty collections and
dictionaries are now serialized as they were previously excluded.

Upgrading from Exceptionless 4.x #

Here is a breakdown of the breaking changes in each package

  • Exceptionless Package
    • ExceptionlessClient
      • renamed UpdateUserEmailAndDescription to UpdateUserEmailAndDescriptionAsync and made it async.
      • removed ProcessQueue, replace this call with the async version ProcessQueueAsync.
      • removed ProcessQueueDeferred, we recommend calling ProcessQueueAsync in IAsyncDisposable pattern. The section below contains more information.
      • renamed Shutdown extension method to ShutdownAsync and made it async.
      • renamed SubmitSessionEnd extension method to SubmitSessionEndAsync and made it async.
      • renamed SubmitSessionHeartbeat extension method to SubmitSessionHeartbeatAsync and made it async.
    • SettingsManager
      • renamed CheckVersion to CheckVersionAsync and made it async.
      • renamed UpdateSettings to UpdateSettingsAsync and made it async.
    • DefaultEventQueue
      • removed Process, replace this call with the async version ProcessAsync.
    • ProcessQueueScope
      • removed this class, we recommend calling await client.ProcessQueueAsync in IAsyncDisposable pattern. The section below contains more information.
    • ISubmissionClient
      • removed PostEvents, replace this call with the async version PostEventsAsync.
      • removed PostUserDescription, replace this call with the async version PostUserDescriptionAsync.
      • removed GetSettings, replace this call with the async version GetSettingsAsync.
      • removed SendHeartbeat, replace this call with the async version SendHeartbeatAsync.
  • Exceptionless.WebApi Package
    • ExceptionlessClient extension methods
      • renamed UnregisterWebApi to UnregisterWebApiAsync and made it async.
  • Exceptionless.Windows Package
    • ExceptionlessClient extension methods
      • renamed Unregister to UnregisterAsync and made it async.
  • Exceptionless.Wpf Package
    • ExceptionlessClient extension methods
      • renamed Unregister to UnregisterAsync and made it async.

ProcessQueueAsync IAsyncDisposable pattern #

We removed ProcessQueueDeferred as it was doing asynchronous work inside of a synchronous dispose. The following pattern solves this issue.

We may introduce a this pattern in the core library at a later date targeting
.NET Core, we just didn't want to take on extra package dependencies, of
which could become a diamond dependency.

The change is pretty simple, just upgrade existing code calling ProcessQueueDeferred

using var _ = client.ProcessQueueDeferred();

and replace it with the following:

await using var _ = new ProcessQueueScope(client);

internal class ProcessQueueScope : IAsyncDisposable {
private readonly ExceptionlessClient _exceptionlessClient;

public ProcessQueueScope(ExceptionlessClient exceptionlessClient) {
_exceptionlessClient = exceptionlessClient;

public async ValueTask DisposeAsync() {
await _exceptionlessClient.ProcessQueueAsync();

We recommend creating a ProcessQueueScope as a reusable utility class and feel free to rename it!

Upgrading from Exceptionless 3.x #

  • The Exceptionless.Portable package and Exceptionless.Extras assembly was merged into the Exceptionless package.

Upgrading from Exceptionless 2.x #

  • IEventEnrichment has been renamed to IEventPlugin
  • IEventPlugin.Enrich(context, event) signature has been changed to IEventPlugin.Run(context). The event has been moved to the context
  • client.Configuration.AddEnrichment<IEventEnrichment>(); has been renamed to client.Configuration.AddPlugin<IEventPlugin>();
  • EventPluginContext.Data property has been renamed to EventPluginContext.ContextData
  • EventSubmittingEventArgs.EnrichmentContextData property has been renamed to EventSubmittingEventArgs.PluginContextData

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