JavaScript Client

The Exceptionless JavaScript client SDK makes it easy to report errors, log details, track feature usage and more. Be sure you have an Exceptionless account (you can sign up here) or that you are self-hosting a running instance of Exceptionless.

Full guides can be found below:

This quickstart focuses on the vanilla JavaScript implementation of Exceptionless.

npm #

To install with npm, run: npm install @exceptionless/browser

Next, you just need to call startup during your apps startup to automatically capture unhandled errors.

import { Exceptionless } from "@exceptionless/browser";

await Exceptionless.startup("API KEY HERE");

try {
throw new Error("test");
} catch (error) {
await Exceptionless.submitException(error);


To install via a script tag referencing Exceptionless over a CDN, add the following before your closing <body> tag and call startup like so:

<script type="module">
import { Exceptionless } from "";
await Exceptionless.startup("API KEY HERE");

try {
throw new Error("test");
} catch (error) {
await Exceptionless.submitException(error);

Next > Configuration