- Overview
- Getting Started
- Managing Stacks
- Manual Stacking
- Filtering & Searching
- Bulk Actions
- Project Settings
- Versioning
- Reference Ids
- User Sessions
- Notifications
- Log Levels
- Event De-Duplication
- Integrations
- Comparison
- Security
- API Usage
- Clients
- Self Hosting
Perhaps the most popular NodeJS server-side framework, Express is used in thousands of projects. Exceptionless provides dedicated NodeJS support, and configuring your Exceptionless client in Express is easy.
Install #
To install exceptionless, you can use npm or yarn:
npm - npm install @exceptionless/node
yarn - yarn add @exceptionless/node
Initializing the Client #
Exceptionless provides a default singleton client instance. While we recommend
using the default client instance for most use cases, you can also create
custom instances (though that's beyond the scope of this guide).
import { Exceptionless } from "@exceptionless/node";
await Exceptionless.startup((c) => {
c.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY";
You can see an additional parameter passed into the configuration object as an
example. To see all the available options, take a look at our
configuration values here.
Using Exceptionless in a Express App #
In this example, we're just making use of the Exceptionless client in a file
that handles one of our API routes. We will also show off how to handle errors
and 404s in Express.
import { Exceptionless, KnownEventDataKeys } from "@exceptionless/node";
import express from "express";
await Exceptionless.startup((c) => {
c.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY";
const app = express();
app.get("/", async (req, res) => {
await Exceptionless.submitLog("Hello World!");
res.send("Hello World!");
app.use(async (err, req, res, next) => {
if (res.headersSent) {
return next(err);
await Exceptionless.createUnhandledException(err, "express").setContextProperty(KnownEventDataKeys.RequestInfo, req).submit();
res.status(500).send("Something broke!");
app.use(async (req, res) => {
await Exceptionless.createNotFound(req.originalUrl).setContextProperty(KnownEventDataKeys.RequestInfo, req).submit();
res.status(404).send("Sorry cant find that!");
const server = app.listen(3000, async () => {
var host = server.address().address;
var port = server.address().port;
var message = "Example app listening at http://" + host + port;
await Exceptionless.submitLog("app", message, "Info");
With that set up, you can use the Exceptionless client anywhere in your app.